FLTK Fast Prototyping Demo

v0.2: 2018/01/20

Screenshot of fast FLTK prototyping demo showing warning

A simple proof of concept of an idea how to "rapid prototype" a single source FLTK application using FLTK itself as an IDE.

Opens an editor widget, where you can type a FLTK source code, which is live compiled and executed during typing. In case of compiler errors, the first error is displayed in a box below the edit field and the source line highlighted.

Also a style check command is executed (default: cppcheck), after compilation succeeded and the first style error is displayed in the box below.


The envisioned use cases are:

The envisioned work procedure is:

Tested on Linux only.

Made compilable for Windows (using mingw) too, but not tested (probably will need additional work).

GitHub tarball download

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